Saturday, June 23, 2012

WELCOME to my page and CONGRATULATIONS on taking the first step to a better, healthier YOU!  I think it's pretty safe to say that you're here because you're not completely satisfied with the way you look and/or feel about yourself and you're ready to make a CHANGE!  You couldn't have come to a better place!  I, like you, was fed up with feeling down about the way I looked and felt, and after too many YEARS, decided that it was time to make a change and get healthy and fit.  That's when I decided to finally commit to making these changes and became an Independent Beachbody Coach!  I had seen many Beachbody infomercials over the years, but put off buying any of the videos because I thought they were just one more exercise gimmick made by a company that just wanted my money.  One more company that wanted to capitalize on my emotions of disgust with my body.  Well, let me tell you...THIS IS NOT TRUE WITH BEACHBODY!  The founders of this company, Carl  Daikeler and Jonathan Congdon, started Beachbody with the core purpose of helping people achieve their goals so WE can live healthy and fulfilling lives.  IT'S WORKING!  Through the wonderful world of social media, I've been able to see people's transformations first-hand!  Not only are people losing weight and getting healthier, but they're HAPPIER, they have more energy, friends, and they're helping others to change their lives!  If you have DECIDED to change your life and can say that you are totally COMMITTED to doing so, then I will help YOU SUCCEED!!!  Let's do this!!!

Contact me here and I'll help get you started on a NEW BEGINNING!: or click on any one of the banners on this page to get started!

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